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 Clovis | Owner GrtPinkSeaSnail | Born 20/03/2007 - 17 years 47 days 3 hrs 15 mins 10 secs old


color: 70,57,168
eyes: 91,170,127
markings: natural
spots: 200
stripes: 200
wings: 200
red hair: Rr
black hair: BB
strange hair: SSS


agility: 3.1 + 4
charm: 3.6 + 14
intelligence: 8 + 7
strength: 4 + 5
health: 50 / 50
mood: happy

Children (3)

Jr (gildmaster)
April Phulin'
Glaciela-fb (FrostGiants)

Clothing (3)

Green Cape (M)
Raindeer Nosebag


A Wrathful Groph is full of anger. Well directed against their foes this can be useful, otherwise self destructive.

A Wrathful Groph is more likely to inflict heavy damage in combat.

Jr 201 201 rr


Theory 201w 201s 187sp
Cyrill 201 179 201

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