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(rank 10) - Coralline Countess

 Sneaky Susie | Owner Nanabear | Born 14/05/2012 - 11 years 348 days 22 hrs 26 mins 42 secs old


color: 222,253,216
eyes: 43,193,189
markings: natural
spots: 0
stripes: 198
wings: 18
red crest: rr
yellow crest: bb
strange crest: Sss


agility: 62 + 41
charm: 25.5 + 44
intelligence: 171.1 + 41
strength: 54.6 + 39
health: 178 / 178
mood: ecstatic
defence: + 6
criminality: 300
epicure pts.: 106

Children (1)

Clothing (15)

Black Cape (M)
Chest Plaque (F)
Nanu Flower
Bandit's Mask
Black Shawl
Texolan Earrings
Crystal Ball
Bat Charm Necklace
Sly Fox Mask
Chamber Candle
Prelate's Robe
Black Rose Circlet
Felt Hat
Ninja Pants
Rich Black Gown


Sneaky Grophs have a natural surreptitious streak, always cautious, never wanting to show their hand too soon. This caution makes them excel at stealthy tasks.

Sneaky Grophs are naturally skilled with stealth and lockpicking.

NEEDS The Art of Courtier II (Requires Whispered Secret)

20 Apr 2018 Returned from failed robbery attemptâ — she is more Sucessful with spying missions
17 April 2018 Returned from successful spying mission..Was paid on her 4,000ggon her return

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