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(rank 10) - Amber Archer

 George | Owner One for all! | Born 19/04/2014 - 10 years 9 days 12 hrs 50 mins 37 secs old


color: 30,96,117
eyes: 61,211,89
markings: natural
spots: 91
stripes: 52
wings: 237
red crest: RR
yellow crest: bb
strange crest: SSS


agility: 28.1 + 19
charm: 3 + 32
intelligence: 187.2 + 54
strength: 14.8 + 26
health: 51 / 51
mood: delighted
defence: + 5
damage: 1
epicure pts.: 18

Clothing (16)

Bronze Doublet
Chamber Candle
Ninja Pants
Red & Black Kabuki Paint
Blue Masquerade Mask
Official Robes
Seafarer's Coat
Forest Tunic
Heavy Goggles
Royal Crown
Black Hooded Robe
Pharonic Headdress
Golden Orb


Mighty Grophs are blessed with the strongest physiques and the most powerful muscles. No job is too heavy for them, and no foe resists for long.

Mighty Grophs gain +10 damage in combat.

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