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 Autumns Fortune | Owner lycoris | Born 02/02/2016 - 8 years 98 days 32 mins 31 secs old


color: 170,154,35
eyes: 168,149,6
markings: natural
spots: 75
stripes: 124
wings: 235
red crest: Rr
yellow crest: Bb
strange crest: SSS


agility: 20.3
charm: 2
intelligence: 209.5
strength: 21.8
health: 58 / 58
mood: delighted
epicure pts.: 5


This Groph is smiled on by fate. When it comes time for random benefits to be handed out they are always first on the list.

A Fortunate Groph is more likely to get benefits from the King and similar places.

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