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(rank 4) - Gemstone Polisher

 Foxy Flutter- | Owner Blue Lagoon | Born 23/08/2016 - 7 years 260 days 8 hrs 13 mins 11 secs old


color: 241,117,2
eyes: 137,223,21
markings: 236,30,44
spots: 80
stripes: 117
wings: 234
red crest: Rr
yellow crest: Bb
strange crest: SSS


agility: 35 + 10
charm: 3.1 + 34
intelligence: 175.2 + 52
strength: 30 + -6
health: 202 / 202
mood: ecstatic
defence: + 6
damage: 1
epicure pts.: 46

Clothing (12)

Ninja Pants
Orange Shawl
Royal Crown
Heavy Plate
Prelate's Robe
Sly Fox Mask
Handheld Scroll
Bearded Festival Mask
Dark Red Gown
Golden Orb


This Groph is smiled on by fate. When it comes time for random benefits to be handed out they are always first on the list.

A Fortunate Groph is more likely to get benefits from the King and similar places.

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