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(rank 82) - Lady of Scarabs - Coralline Countess - Lady of the Northern Lights - Dracodille Huntress - Dark and Stormy Knight - Lunar Lunatic - First Mate - Mistress of Mauve

 Ghilanna Kilrae | Owner JarlSteelfang | Born 10/06/2017 - 7 years 105 days 30 mins 50 secs old


color: 0,0,0
eyes: 255,38,0
markings: natural
spots: 61
stripes: 146
wings: 205
red hair: rr
black hair: bb
strange hair: Sss


agility: 50 + 27
charm: 9 + 26
intelligence: 136.6 + 31
strength: 50 + 17
health: 135 / 135
mood: miserable
defence: + 3
criminality: 33
epicure pts.: 16

Clothing (5)

Green Rose Dress
Feather Pectoral
Elm Leaf Brooch
Feather Headdress


A Wrathful Groph is full of anger. Well directed against their foes this can be useful, otherwise self destructive.

A Wrathful Groph is more likely to inflict heavy damage in combat.

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