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 PBJ | Owner Namminbear | Born 27/10/2023 - 205 days 4 hrs 18 secs old


color: 237,182,85
eyes: 57,160,36
markings: 164,48,92
spots: 132
stripes: 185
wings: 236
red hair: RR
black hair: BB
strange hair: SSS


agility: 2 + -2
charm: 6 + 11
intelligence: 22 + 4
strength: 4 + 3
health: 21 / 71
mood: ecstatic
epicure pts.: 9

Clothing (6)

Red Orrend Flower
Red Kuak Hood
Kuak Robe
Small Gold Earrings


Harmonious are at one with the music of the Universe. They display supreme calm in the face of danger.

Harmonious Grophs are never scared. In battle they are in tune with all elements.

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