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 Baby 2016 | Owner Perfection Cove | Born 01/01/2016 - 8 years 121 days 12 hrs 40 mins 45 secs old


color: 157,179,97
eyes: 109,88,88
markings: natural
spots: 90
stripes: 142
wings: 152
red hair: Rr
black hair: Bb
strange hair: Sss


agility: 4 + 20
charm: 2.5 + 19
intelligence: 2 + 26
strength: 4 + 42
health: 70 / 70
mood: happy
defence: + 5

Clothing (9)

Leather Tunic
Gold Rimmed Glasses
Invisible Wings
Crystal Ball
Brown Leather Hat
Fishing Spear
Brown Leather Pants
Spotted Neckerchief
Red Tail Ribbon


Fit Grophs just seem to have a little more energy, a little more stamina than anyone else. Fit Grophs are never tired or exhausted.

A Fit Groph is born with +20 Health

Farewell 2015 was bred in remembrance of the year 2015 as it comes to an end
and Baby 2016 was bred to welcome the new year and all the wonders it holds.

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