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(rank 82) - Lady of Scarabs - Coralline Countess - Lady of the Northern Lights - Dracodille Huntress - Dark and Stormy Knight - Lunar Lunatic - First Mate - Mistress of Mauve

 Chessintra Kilrae | Owner JarlSteelfang | Born 05/03/2017 - 7 years 51 days 8 hrs 13 mins 20 secs old


color: 0,0,0
eyes: 255,38,0
markings: natural
spots: 79
stripes: 119
wings: 237
red hair: rr
black hair: Bb
strange hair: Sss


agility: 157 + 14
charm: 138.5 + 24
intelligence: 168.8 + 36
strength: 162 + 10
health: 218 / 218
mood: happy
defence: + 1
criminality: 42
epicure pts.: 40

Children (10)

Clothing (4)

Texolani Formal Dress
Akashic Crown
Amethyst Crystal Pendant


Beautiful Grophs are charming and pretty, quick witted and fair of face. A beautiful Groph is seldom turned down for a party.

A Beautiful Groph is born with +10 Charm

The matriarch of House Kilrae. It is said that she possesses a rather cold beauty.

Might there be more to her than meets the eye?

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