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 Zetti | Owner PonyLover95 | Born 10/05/2018 - 5 years 349 days 21 hrs 8 mins 51 secs old


color: 185,102,175
eyes: 195,176,6
markings: natural
spots: 241
stripes: 160
wings: 205
red hair: Rr
black hair: bb
strange hair: SSs


agility: 0 + 16
charm: 0 + 20
intelligence: 1.9 + 16
strength: 2.3 + 10
health: 56 / 57
mood: ecstatic
epicure pts.: 21

Children (1)

Clothing (7)

Anniversary Party Hat
Crystal Staff
Leaf Earrings
Red Orrend Flower
Skull Necklace
Polar Fox
Red Pirate Shirt


Friendly Grophs want to get to know you better, whoever you are. Always ready with a smile and a wave, a friendly Groph never turns you away.

A Friendly Groph makes the Grophs it plays with more happy.

I love Aquaria! I've visited it two times already!
Zetti is an optimistic groph who looks for the best in others, no matter what. While a great trait, this can sometimes get her into trouble... She loves bug catching.

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