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 Bert | Owner PonyLover95 | Born 10/05/2018 - 5 years 352 days 8 hrs 8 mins 49 secs old


color: 170,70,139
eyes: 103,0,116
markings: natural
spots: 68
stripes: 108
wings: 203
red hair: rr
black hair: BB
strange hair: Sss


agility: 1 + 12
charm: 0 + 17
intelligence: 0.5 + 10
strength: 12.1 + 7
health: 50 / 50
mood: ecstatic
criminality: 3
epicure pts.: 10

Children (1)

Clothing (3)

Pink Moustache
Red Orrend Flower
Gold Pirate Shirt


Strong Grophs are born with natural brawn. From the moment they hatch from the egg they are more physically powerful than other Grophs.

A Strong Groph is born with +10 Strength

Bert wants to be a pirate. He tries to make himself as charming as he can be.

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