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(rank 1) - Hatchling

 Sandra Lee | Owner lilil | Born 01/08/2022 - 1 years 262 days 7 hrs 11 mins 15 secs old


color: 245,245,225
eyes: 225,216,228
markings: 30,30,30
spots: 7
stripes: 255
wings: 255
red crest: rr
yellow crest: bb
strange crest: SSS


agility: 60 + 23
charm: 2.3 + 16
intelligence: 261.7 + 19
strength: 61.4 + 28
health: 57 / 58
mood: happy
defence: + 2
damage: 1
epicure pts.: 17

Children (2)

Limerick (Namminbear)

Clothing (6)

Wild Black Wig
Omelet Hat
Mushroom Omelet Badge
Omelet Dress
Ceremonial Spontoon
Omelet Fork


Epicurean Grophs are supreme lovers of food. They seek out the rarest dishes and consume them with gusto.

Epicurean Grophs do not dislike any sort of food.

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